Want to Give Cheese to Babies, There Are Conditions

Cheese is a type of food that is highly nutritious. But can I give cheese to babies? If possible, from what age can babies be given cheese? If not, what is the reason? To find out the answer, let's, see the explanation in the following article. Every parent would always want to give the best for their children, including nutritious intake, starting from the womb until the Little One was born into the world. One of the foods that are known to contain a lot of nutrients is cheese. In addition, it tastes good can make babies eat more deliciously. However, giving cheese to babies is still quite a matter of debate. When to Give Cheese to Babies During the first 6 months after birth, Mother is recommended to only give ASI to the Little One. Only after that, complementary foods (MPASI) began to be introduced slowly. Well, one that is often a question among parents is may I give cheese to babies? According to some pediatricians, most babies are allowed to eat cheese as long as they ...