Learn How to Overcome Chapped Legs Here

Everyone doesn't want to have chapped feet. But if you already experience it, you do not need to worry. There are several ways to deal with chapped feet that are simple and easy to do. What are some ways to deal with chapped feet in question? Let's look at the following explanation. Chapped feet in the heel area are a common problem for many people. Having cracked legs is certainly not interesting to look at. Even worse, if the cracks or cracks become too deep, sometimes it will cause pain when standing or walking.

What Causes Broken Legs?

Chapped foot skin or heels can be caused by many things, ranging from habits, work or activities, to certain diseases. Some habits that make chapped feet are:
  • Often standing for too long.
  • Often walk barefoot.
  • Wear shoes that don't fit.
  • Bathing too long or using soap that is irritating.
Meanwhile, some conditions that can cause chapped feet include:
  • Skin diseases, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and fungal infections.
  • Calloused feet.
  • Certain diseases, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism,
  • Malnutrition or lack of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A and fat.
  • Obesity.
The risk of a person experiencing chapped foot skin will also increase if he is elderly. People who have unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages, are also more at risk of experiencing this skin problem. To find out the exact cause of the broken legs that you experience, it is advisable to see a doctor.

This Is How To Overcome Broken Legs

There are several ways to deal with chapped feet and prevent them from getting worse, namely:

1. Drink lots of water

If you don't drink enough water, your mouth and throat feel dry and hoarse. The same thing applies to the skin. Drinking lots of water will make your skin moisturized, so that cracked legs can heal slowly.

2. Use a mild soap

So that the condition of the damaged leg skin gets better quickly, it is very important to keep the broken leg part clean. But be careful, cleaning your feet using soap that is made from harsh or irritating chemicals can actually make the skin too dry. Therefore, choose a soap that is soft, so it does not cause irritation and does not eliminate moisture in your feet.

3. Avoid bathing with hot water

If you want to soak or take a shower, try not to use hot water. This is because bathing with hot water can make the skin dry and damaged quickly, so that broken feet are difficult to improve.

4. Apply moisturizer regularly

Chapped skin should routinely be smeared with moisturizer. There are several types and moisturizing content that can be used, such as mineral oil, glycerin, and urea. One type of moisturizer that is good for chapped feet is petroleum jelly. Moisturizer can be used in the morning and evening. Apply moisturizer to problematic foot skin, then wear comfortable socks so that the moisturizer can be absorbed better. This moisturizer will repair damaged skin and maintain skin moisture, so that chapped feet can heal.

5. Rubbing the feet to remove dead skin cells

You may be familiar with the pumice that is often used to deal with chapped heel skin. This stone is powerful enough to lift dead skin cells. How to use it quite easily, soak the broken legs in water for 5 minutes or until the skin feels soft. After that, wet the pumice with warm water, then rub it gently on the broken leg area. Do this treatment for 2-3 minutes. After completion, apply the problem skin with a moisturizer. In addition to pumice, feet can also be rubbed using a foot brush or a special foot scrub. To repair broken and chapped foot skin, you can also try applying honey, coconut oil, olive oil, or aloe vera to your feet. These natural ingredients have active ingredients that can reduce inflammation and help moisturize the skin. If treated properly, cracked foot skin will improve with time. However, if the legs are still chapped despite some of the above methods, then you should consult a doctor to get further treatment.


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